The whole proposal ordeal was beautiful and special and everything a girl asks for; Nick did a really great job :) Nick proposed at Beaver Point (not the real name of the place... I'm not sure it has a real name) and I cried and it was the most perfect ring and everything. Then a random jogger went by and I blurted out that I just got engaged and he said congratulations and I felt bad because I told a random stranger first instead of like, my parents or Nick's parents. This is my life.
I also finished all my school work so I should be starting my student teaching in January! I was so excited that I didn't have a lot to do today so I decorated my fridge to look like a snowman. Isn't he cute? This is what happens when I'm looking up ideas for a wedding on pinterest and then I realize "hey, I can do that unrelated project in like 10 minutes".... so I did.
I also put up strings of lights around my apartment, so it's getting really festive in here. I'm getting a little sad because I didn't really want to travel this Christmas but I think it'll be a good idea to see both my family and Nick's family since we just got engaged. I don't know why I feel like a homebody right now. I have the rest of my life to sit at home and snuggle with my cat. So maybe I am excited to go on vacation then :) Or I'm going to try to be!
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