... but we have no power.
Yesterday we manually lit our stove so that we could cook some food. The night before we had a 40 minute span of power and we were able to make mac and cheese quickly, and the night before that we had no power and didn't think to light the stove so we just snacked on grapes, cheerios, and munchies. It has been a weird week as a homeowner.
I am at the arctic tundra of a coffee shop again. I came prepared this time in a heavy sweatshirt. As I was walking in the 80 degree heat, I thought to myself "ugh, this sweater is overkill, why did I drag it along with me" but as I passed through the doors into Antarctica, I remembered why I hoofed it with a few pounds of fleece. Ahhhhh.
Here are a few things the internet world has missed due to my lack of connectivity.

1. Nick is a true Mr Fix It, Jr.
Jenni: "Haaalp we don't have enough hot water to the sink" -big frowny face-
Nick: -wrench, twist, unscrew, shine light, remove value- "Well, let's head on over to Lowe's."
This is what we found. Disgusting. >>
Nick installed a new valve. Twenty minutes later the hot water flow was renewed and at full force. Amazing.

2. Cat loves new house. Especially baskets.
We got this particular basket from a neighbor. So neighborly!
I was going to use it for sorting clothes but instead it is now cat-basket. Another household item is taken by cat, as with many things in my life (for example, cat-shelf, cat-blanket, cat-couch).

3. When we do have power, we can:
a) watch TV with an antenna (I know! So retro!),
b) make delicious food like these chili cheese dogs (mine are vegetarian but I went full meat with Nick's).
We are so normal.

4. Nick bought me no-reason flowers.
The best kind of flowers :)
Time to pretend to work on schoolwork again... Maybe I'll be able to update from my house tomorrow? A girl can only hope!